Monday, February 11, 2013

Radcon 6A Panel Schedule

I am honored to be on the panel schedule for Radcon 6A, this coming weekend, February 15-17th, 2013, in Pasco, WA.

I consider Radcon my home con. Not to jinx it, but I've attended every Radcon since my first in 1995. Though I no longer live in Eastern Washington, I make the long trek through the mountains back to Mordor, each year, and not even a pain-wracking, can-barely-move kidney infection has stopped me. It's a good con, "medium sized" by the old standards, but with cons like PAX exceeding 70,000 attendees, I suppose it's a small gathering.

Since my youthful days, when I still held the illusion that being a writer was glamorous and could get you lots of money and free stuff, I dreamt of being a panelist at Radcon. Now that day has arrived.

My schedule begins with a reading Friday evening at 5pm. I am currently planning to read my two recently published stories, Beyond Earth's Summer and Let the Bugs Work Themselves Out. If there's time, I may There will definitely not be time to read a passage from Emerald City Iron.

Then I'm on four panels over Saturday and Sunday about various writing and fiction topics. I'm greatly looking forward to it, and I hope when I'm up there, I will actually have something interesting to say. If you're there, stop by and see me!

Fri Feb 15 5:00:pm
Fri Feb 15 5:30:pm
Luna Lindsey reading
Small Press
Luna Lindsey reads from her favorite writing.
Lindsey, Luna

Sat Feb 16 12:00:pm
Sat Feb 16 1:00:pm
World Building for Planets
How do you create a world for your characters to interact in? This panel will cover everything to creating planets to finding names--stressing the importance of building a solid world and keeping it solid.
Lindsey, Luna Gregory, Hugh Morrigan, Muffy
Sat Feb 16 1:00:pm
Sat Feb 16 2:00:pm
Sex, Love and Writing in a Changing World
Fan Room
Alternate sexuality is one of the final, vastly unexplored elements of science fiction and fantasy. Where has it been touched upon, and why so few times? Is it time to examine it, or should it stay in the shadows?
Burk, Jim Lindsey, Luna Jones, Peter Morgan, Christine Tamra, Excell
Sun Feb 17 11:00:am
Sun Feb 17 12:00:pm
Stop Thief!
Small Press
With the increasing popularity of ebooks comes the increasing opportunity for scam artists to take credit for the work of others. As a fan, how do we stop and address these issues? As an artist and author, how can you protect yourself and your intellectual interests? Join our panel of experts as we discuss what measures are available for both fans and authors.
Burk, Jim Lindsey, Luna Jones, Peter
Sun Feb 17 2:00:pm
Sun Feb 17 3:00:pm
Why Horror (and beyond)?
Our symbiotic relationship with genre films that feature elements of dread - why do we like them? And how do they reflect our society?
Lindsey, Luna Leota, Ron Snively, Devi

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At February 11, 2013 at 7:23 PM , Anonymous Christy said...

What a great schedule! I hope you have a fantastic time.


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